How this things actually work?

For the last few weeks i was developing my reimagine work with lots of new inspirations from john kaldar exhibition and Sydney Modern exhibition with numerous videos. I found it extremely difficult to interpret an art into a structured shape. That’s something i wish to get by practice and i am very happy that i am struggling. I have chosen Sol Lewitt’s work as a beginning point and is planning to use my own wall art as wallpaper for the house i’s exterior. I named the house House i. As it is my first ever concept house model specially designed for me.

My initial rough model was cut into two volumes and one shrunk due to it’s usability issue. So two volumes represent two different functionality. Then i opened up the whole space with lots of openings. Interesting thing to notice that i left one volume with no door at all. this will create the continuity in the whole circulation and push the idea of individualism. This house won’t pretend to be anything else. So here is the note that wrote to keep myself on track in terms of design and materials

Problem in this house iii model is the opening. Cut out from wall is important to bring the clarity and stability in the model.
Synchornised movement in the house due to the opening of the roof slab in between two volumes. SO during midday residents will not stay in this space and this space can be used to create circulation.

Materials needed for this house iii in rhino are :
cardboard slabs for roof and floor
balsa wood for walls
plastic mirror for openings in the windows and roof

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